Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Core Expansion
Warmachine products are currently in production by steamforged games. According to my trade representative, these will start shipping mid-august to retailers. Items are treated as pre-order until official release and then will be special order.
Emerging from the darkness to establish an empire and secure a future in a dangerous world, the first splinters of the Shadowflame Shard are scouts and infiltrators, possessed of lethal cunning and speed.
Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new Warlock to keep your opponents guessing, and bolster your battlegroup with a new character Warbeast. Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units, a command attachment, and a solo, and increase the size of your force to play 75pt games.